Our research
Our research team has studied MBCR extensively for the past two decades and the program has shown a variety health benefits for cancer patients. The benefits of MBCR include better management of stress, mood, the symptoms/side-effects of cancer treatments and better physical health and immunity. Although we have mainly researched face-to-face MBCR, we have recently developed and tested an online version of the program successfully with cancer patients. We want to study online MBCR further so it can help more cancer patients in different stages of their treatment.
The MATCH Study
The MATCH Study: Mindfulness And Tai chi for Cancer Health, is an innovative clinical trial conducted by the University of Calgary/Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary and the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto.
As more people survive cancer, the importance of research on effective interventions for improving quality of life amongst survivors is growing. Two interventions with a substantial evidence-base are Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) and Tai chi/Qigong (TCQ). However, these interventions have never been directly compared and they may help cancer patients in different ways.
The purpose of the MATCH Study, is to compare the two intervention groups on a range of psychological outcomes including stress, mood, quality of life, fatigue, pain and sleep.
To find out more information about The MATCH Study and to see if you are eligible, please visit our website at www.thematchstudy.ca

Carlson, L. E., Subnis, U. B., Piedalue, K. A. L., Vallerand, J., Speca, M., Lupichuk, S., ... & Wolever, R. Q. (2019). The ONE‐MIND Study: Rationale and protocol for assessing the effects of ONlinE MINDfulness‐based cancer recovery for the prevention of fatigue and other common side effects during chemotherapy. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(4), e13074. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecc.13074Carlson, L.E. (2018). Distress Management through Mind-Body Therapies in Oncology. Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Compen, F.R., Bisseling, E., Schellekens, M., Donders, R., Carlson, L.E., Van der Lee, M., Speckens, A.. (2018). Face-to-face and individual internet-based Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy compared to Treatment As Usual in reducing psychological distress in cancer patients: a multicenter randomized control trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018 Jun 28: doi: 10.1200/JCO.2017.76.5669.
To find out more about Dr. Carlson and her lab, you can visit her website at lindacarlson.ca.